Dayan Concert Poster

This project is a promotional poster I designed for a concert featuring the 'Dayan Band', who composed and played a wide range of Irish-inspired pieces of music representing the famous Japanese children's book series 'Neko no Dayan' (Dayan the Cat).

[This concert also featured myself and my brother as Irish dancers dancing to the band's music.]

This poster went through a long process of iteration and feedback from the band's violinist, Notake-san. My first iteration featured below on the left, takes a more formal and minimal approach with one solid colour for the background and featuring only the necessary information and images of the performers. I also made a deliberate effort to strictly fit all of the elements into a grid to maximise the design's formality. However, finding the design to be too bland, I started experimenting with ways to make the poster more visually interesting and more closely connected to the source material of the Dayan series' world and aesthetic. I tried a new design featuring cat ears sprouting from a more well-defined border. Finding this design to be too geometric, I decided to add a more cozy and imperfect flair to the design by hand-drawing several aspects of the poster including the instruments of all the musicians and a series of cat-related doodles all throughout the poster including cat ears on all of the featured perfomers. This playful design would ultimately be used as the final poster with a tone far more reminiscent of the series and the music played.

Brought to you by The Joeverse